The Street Of The Fishing Cat-The Narrowest Street In Paris

While rushing past what looked like a tiny alley between two buildings in Paris, I saw the eye-catching image painted on the wall in front of me. Intrigued, I snapped a couple of photographs making sure to include the street name which loosely made a little sense to me … cat, fish, huh?

I was truthfully too interested in getting a proper photograph to consider that this narrow street was in fact even considered a street until much later when doing my research online.

What I saw was colorful umbrella and the shadow figure of a what appeared to be a man with a shadow cat. I did not realize until I had snapped a couple of shots that the red line in front of the cat was a fishing pole.

There’s more to this story though.

When I snapped the first image, it looked like the one below.

This was my initial shot which I took very quickly. I was thinking that even though I was in a hurry, I wanted a shot of this interesting scene. One look at the ugly graffiti covered box and the missing wall plaster on either side of it forced a quick evaluation of what I might do to get the best shot.

I noticed the lamp post that had been over exposed by my flash for the first time when I looked at the image in review on the camera and then after adjusting the flash, I moved over a few steps and snapped the image below before taking the final one in the first image above where you can see the cat waiting with the fishing line.

By using what was available to hide the damaged wall, it added greatly to the shot and reminded me in a way of a Gene Kelly moment from the movie, Singing in the Rain.

It is always interesting to me how a slight change in perspective can greatly alter your view.


10 thoughts on “The Street Of The Fishing Cat-The Narrowest Street In Paris

  1. This is so interesting! I love it. How clever to name a street like that. Almost reminds me of ‘Alley Cat’. The street is like an alley.

    thank you for sharing this. I had no idea there was a place like this on earth.

  2. I rarely take the time to perfect the shot like that. I love your final image.

    Catching up after a couple crazy weeks, it’s fun to see the pictures and read about your time with your sister.

    I’m sorry the newspaper turned you down. Their mistake…

  3. Elizabeth dear, why oh why, in my hectic Summer life, have I missed keeping up with you! Profuse apologies, only excuse being lack of time and a brain dulled from the torrid, record-breaking, 90+ degrees day after day here in the south!

    Now I can breathe again – sleeping with the windows open, waking to the birds chirping, Autumn glories are just around the corner as the trees turn, soon there will be a first frost to zap the mosquitoes, and I’ll be sitting on the porch again……..”deep and simple”!!!!!!

    I’ve spent the better part of yesterday reading about your travels with your lovely sister, enjoying London and Paris, getting to know the amazing Benjamin Wagner, and re-living the wonderful years when I visited Fred Rogers’ Neighborhood alongside my children. Then there’s Cornwall – the photo of the trees on the hillside as you leave my beloved Devon and make your way home to your village………….how I’d love to be there RIGHT THIS MINUTE…………..and the beaches, nowhere more beautiful.

    Sorry the newspaper made such a HUGE mistake! No wonder they are mostly dying now – our local one is so terrible I refuse to read it. Bob moans and groans about it during his morning read and threatens weekly to discontinue the subscription we’ve had for 33 years! You must continue to set your sights on a book………..what a wonderful read that would be…….your ‘gifts of the journey’ would easily become a book I would joyfully gift to friends, saying “here, you must read this incredible woman’s stories, written so eloquently……..a best seller I’m sure.

    OK dear, I’m away to fill my day………preparing for a weekend in the NC mountains with 14 other southern bloggers………so wish you could join us!

    Mary – A Breath of Fresh Air

  4. Hello, guys.
    I am so happy to find that picture in the internet because I could tell exactly the same storry.
    I also have been in paris and made a photo of that crazy grafiti.
    But I did not understand that the cat is fishing.
    Thank you for teching me something!

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